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Non Profit Event For Bangalore

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

About this event

  1. Date & Time Selection
  • Make the date and time pickers more user-friendly, similar to how flight/hotel booking sites handle it.
  • Clicking anywhere on the date/time input should open the calendar or time picker (not only the icon).
  • Prevent illogical date selections (e.g., if an end date is before a start date, do not allow it).
  • Remove restrictions that ticket sales must start after “today” or must close before the start date. This is too limiting. Instead, only require that ticket sales end before or at the event end time, unless the user wants to allow even longer.
  1. Draft vs. Publish
  • Currently, to publish a draft event, the user must go through all steps again.
  • Suggestion: Provide a “Publish Now” option from the “Draft” overview or a final “Review & Publish” screen to confirm details quickly.
  1. File Size Limits
  • 5MB and 360×200 resolution seems too restrictive for event images.
  • Provide server-side compression or resizing to handle larger images gracefully.

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NGO event organizer

Starts in -
09:00 AM
